On Totally Umbilical Pseudo-Slant Submanifolds in Bronze Riemannian Manifold

Keywords: pseudo-slant submanifold, Bronse manifold


This paper explores the geometry of totally umbilical pseudo-slant submanifolds in bronze Riemannian manifolds. Existence conditions and geometric properties are presented, supported by examples.

Author Biographies

Suleyman Dirik, Amasya University

Department of Mathematics

Amasya, Turkey

Ramazan Sari, Amasya University

Department of Mathematics

Amasya, Turkey


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How to Cite
Dirik, S., & Sari, R. (2024). On Totally Umbilical Pseudo-Slant Submanifolds in Bronze Riemannian Manifold. Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science, 13(2), 2651-2657. Retrieved from http://www.journaleras.com/index.php/jeras/article/view/372