Some Characterizations Invariant Submanifolds of A (κ,μ)-Para Contact Space

  • Pakize Uygun Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University
  • Suleyman Dirik Amasya University
  • Mehmet Atceken Aksaray University
  • Tugba Mert Cumhuriyet University
Keywords: κ,μ- Paracontact metric manifold, Invariant submanifold, semiparallel submanifold, 2-semiparallel submanifold


The aim of this present paper is to study certain conditions for an invariant submanifold of a κ,μ- paracontact space. We classify paracontact space form satisfying the curvature conditions 0. Recently, we reach at these conditions are equivalent to 0.

Author Biographies

Pakize Uygun, Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University

Faculty of Arts and Sciences


Tokat, Turkey

Suleyman Dirik, Amasya University

Faculty of Arts and Sciences


Amasya, Turkey

Mehmet Atceken, Aksaray University

Faculty of Arts and Sciences


Aksaray, Turkey

Tugba Mert, Cumhuriyet University

Faculty of Arts and Sciences


Sivas, Turkey


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How to Cite
Uygun, P., Dirik, S., Atceken, M., & Mert, T. (2022). Some Characterizations Invariant Submanifolds of A (κ,μ)-Para Contact Space. Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science, 11(1), 1967-1972. Retrieved from