Electron Transport Parameters and Electrical Discharges Simulated by the Monte Carlo Method in the SF6

  • Abderrahmane Settaouti Oran University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Monte Carlo simulation; transport parameters; Discharge; SF6; Streamer; Corona.


Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) is extensively used in the field of electric power apparatus and high voltage engineering because of its high dielectric strength. The electron swarm parameters in attaching gases have several applications. It is important for gaseous insulation in power apparatuses, for optimisation of gaseous insulating systems and the application of plasma to understand the mechanisms of the electric discharge processes in gases. However, the calculation of physical parameters for the electrical discharges is very difficult and complicated; numerical simulation of transport parameters of charged particles and the development processes for streamer and corona discharges in gas is used. The present work is to analysis the electron swarm parameters and the electric field characteristics of streamer and corona discharges using a kinetic method. The electric discharge properties in SF6 gas, the initiation and propagation of the streamer and corona discharge in a highly non-uniform electric field as function of the time were studied. The electron transport parameters in SF6 were calculated by the Monte Carlo method.

Author Biography

Abderrahmane Settaouti, Oran University of Science and Technology

Electrotechnics Department

Oran, Algeria


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How to Cite
Settaouti, A. (2024). Electron Transport Parameters and Electrical Discharges Simulated by the Monte Carlo Method in the SF6. Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science, 13(2), 2597-2607. Retrieved from http://www.journaleras.com/index.php/jeras/article/view/362