Design of a Plant for Production of Ripe Plantain Cake

  • Tobi Akinde Federal University of Technology Akure
  • Kareem Buliaminu Federal University of Technology Akure
Keywords: Ripe Plantain Cake, Process Plant Design, Productivity.


This study presents the design and analysis of a process plant for the production of ripe plantain cake, commonly known as dodo ikire, with a targeted production capacity of 25 kg/h. The plant is meticulously engineered to ensure efficient processing from the peeling of ripe plantains to the final frying of the product. The process flow designed includes five key sections: peeling, conveying, agitating, moulding, and frying. Each machine was designed to enable productivity and quality of the dodo ikire.The design results demonstrated that the plant meets the necessary criteria for safe and efficient operation.

Author Biographies

Tobi Akinde, Federal University of Technology Akure

Mechanical Engineering


Kareem Buliaminu, Federal University of Technology Akure

Industrial and Production Engineering

Akure, Nigeria


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How to Cite
Akinde, T., & Buliaminu, K. (2024). Design of a Plant for Production of Ripe Plantain Cake. Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science, 13(2), 2570-2582. Retrieved from