Enhancement of Ripe Plantain Cake Production Using Work Study Approach

  • Olaoluwa Igbalajobi Federal University of Technology Akure
  • Kareem Buliaminu Federal University of Technology Akure
Keywords: Over-ripe Plantain cake (Dodo ikire)), Production Enhancement, Osun State, Plantain


Ripe plantains have a very short post-harvest shelf life of just 3-5 days at room temperature due to their high moisture content of 70-80%. This research aims to enhance the production process of over-ripe plantain cake in Ikire Town, Osun State, latitude 7° 21' 36.00"N, Longitude 4° 11' 6.00"E, Nigeria, addressing critical inefficiencies and promoting sustainability within the industry. The study investigates the entire processing chain, from the peeling of over-ripe plantains to the final packaging of the cake, to identify key issues that hinder productivity, quality, and economic viability. A comprehensive work study, including time and motion analysis, resource allocation assessment, and process optimization, was conducted to uncover opportunities for reducing processing time, minimizing waste, and improving resource utilization. The research revealed significant inefficiencies in the manual processing methods currently used, leading to increased production costs, inconsistent product quality, and substantial post-harvest losses. The findings highlight the need for an optimized process flow that enhances productivity and ensures the sustainability of plantain cake production.

Author Biographies

Olaoluwa Igbalajobi, Federal University of Technology Akure

Mechanical Engineering

Akure, Nigeria

Kareem Buliaminu, Federal University of Technology Akure

Industrial and Production Engineering



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How to Cite
Igbalajobi, O., & Buliaminu, K. (2024). Enhancement of Ripe Plantain Cake Production Using Work Study Approach. Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science, 13(2), 2560-2569. Retrieved from http://www.journaleras.com/index.php/jeras/article/view/358