Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of SS304 and SS430 Stainless Steels and Their Modeling Using Different Yield Criteria in Finite Element Analysis
Stainless steel materials are widely used in industries such as automotive, food, and home appliances due to their chemical and mechanical properties. This extensive use necessitates the comprehensive characterization of these materials. In this study, two different stainless steel materials (SS304 and SS430) were characterized through tensile tests conducted at two different strain rates (0.001 s⁻¹ and 0.01 s⁻¹). Additionally, tensile tests were performed in 0°, 45°, and 90° orientations to determine their anisotropic behavior. The ability of commonly used yield criteria in finite element analyses, namely Hill48 r-based, Hill48 σ-based, and Barlat, to predict the force-displacement data in the 0°, 45°, and 90° orientations was compared. The results revealed that the austenitic structure of SS304 enables it to achieve significantly higher strength levels and better elongation compared to SS430. Among the models analyzed, the Hill48 r-based model was found to be the most accurate in predicting the force-displacement data for both materials.
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