Synthesis, Characterization, Spectroscopic, DFT and Adsorption of Ca+2 Ion Studies of Monoacetin

  • Ozlem Kuran Bursa Technical University
  • Yunus Kaya Bursa Technical University
Keywords: Monoacetin, DFT, FTIR, UV Vis.


In this study, theoretical and experimental studies of monoacetin (M-GLA) molecule formed because of the reaction of glycerol and acetic acid were investigated. M-GLA molecule was obtained because of the reaction of acetic acid and glycerin. Characterization of the molecule was performed using IR and UV visible region spectroscopy. M-GLA molecule was optimized and energy and frequency values ​​were calculated using DFT B3LYP method and Gaussian package program using 6-31G(d,p) basis set. In a normal frequency calculation, all frequency values ​​obtained are expected to be positive. All frequency values ​​being positive means that all vibration and rotational movements of the molecule are optimized to a minimum. FT-IR and UV-VIS spectra of M-GLA molecule were compared experimentally and theoretically. In addition, interaction of M-GLA molecule with Ca+2 ion was investigated and binding energy was calculated as -5.42 eV.

Author Biographies

Ozlem Kuran, Bursa Technical University

Department of Chemistry

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Bursa, Turkey

Yunus Kaya, Bursa Technical University

Department of Chemistry

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Bursa, Turkey


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How to Cite
Kuran, O., & Kaya, Y. (2024). Synthesis, Characterization, Spectroscopic, DFT and Adsorption of Ca+2 Ion Studies of Monoacetin. Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science, 13(2), 2608-2614. Retrieved from