Evaluation of Attention Deficit of Engineering Students via Electrooculography Assistance

  • C. Tasdemirci
Keywords: Biomedical, Biosignal, Bourdon Attention Test, Electrooculography


Improving attention capability in learning activity is very important. But most of the researchers focused on attention deficit and hyperactivity. However day life attention losses are ignored. For this reason, understanding the reasons of attention deficits is important. In this way new education methods and courses plans can make to minimized deficit and lose of attention.

In this study, attention level changes of engineering students between the ages of 20 were examined. The reason of the attention deficits was evaluated and methods for improving attention level were developed. Attention tests were focused on students who are following the same courses. Courses were grouped as theoretical and practical, and also the progress in the courses was mixed to achieve a better level of attention.

Electrooculography (EOG) measurements were taken and eye movements were recorded. Bourdon's attention test was applied to the participants. Prelesson attention level of the participants was measured, between courses attention level also observed. It was seen that after the first 2 courses, attention level was increased, however after 4 courses attention level started to decrease and at the end of the 8 courses a high level of attention deficit was observed. Rest, classical music and the effects of stimulants such as coffee were studied to eliminate attention deficit.


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How to Cite
Tasdemirci, C. (2020). Evaluation of Attention Deficit of Engineering Students via Electrooculography Assistance. Journal of Engineering Research and Applied Science, 9(2), 1555-1560. Retrieved from http://www.journaleras.com/index.php/jeras/article/view/211